110. Research and Publications:
Title of Ph.D Thesis: Realcompact spaces and Pseudocompact spaces - Their generalizations and interrelations (View pdf)
Area of Ph.D: General Topology, Rings of Continuous functions
Post Doctoral Research Experience: Two years from University of KwaZulu Natal, Durban, South Africa
Present Research Interest: Rings of Continuous functions, Ergodic theory and Dynamical System.
1. Characterizations of Nearly Pseudocompact spaces and Related spaces (With S.K. Acharyya), Topology Proceedings, Vol 29, No. 2, 2005, 577 - 594 (View Pdf)
2. C(X) can sometimes determine X without X being Realcompact (With Melvin Henriksen), Comment Math Univ Carolinae, 46,4 (2005), 711-720 (View Pdf)
3. Maps and F-normal spaces (With John J Schommer) Topology and its Applications 153 (2006) 2735 - 2744 (View Pdf)
4. On Hard Pseudocompact Spaces (With Partha Pratim Ghosh) Quaestiones Mathematicae 35(2012), 1-17 (View Pdf)
5. Congruences on nil-extensions of b-lattice of skew-rings (Sunil Kr. Maity and Uma Kapuria), Quasigroups and Related Systems 27 (2) (2019), 273 - 280.
6. A characterization of C-type subrings of C(X) of some kind (With Debojyoti Chowdhury), Positivity, volume 24, (2020) 1181–1190.
7. Ideal spaces (With Debojyoti Chowdhury), Applied General Topology, 22, 1 (2021), 79-89.
9. Algebraic denseness of subgroups (With Sourav Koner), Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 122A, 2 (2022), 45-60.
10. C(X) determines X - a unified theory (With Sanjib Das) Appl. Gen. Topol., vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 83–93, Apr. 2023.
11. Retractive nil-extensions of completely regular semirings (With S.K.Maity and Uma Kapuria), Asian-European Journal of Mathematics . (accepted for publication)